Tuesday 10 July 2018

Site Abbatiale de Saint-Maurice

Hey guys! It's been a while again, I know! We're quite busy at the moment with work, paperwork, planning a bit of time off, and trying to stay sane and sleep enough at the same time. I bet you know what it's like ;) I've had these photos ready for more than a week and didn't get around to posting them until now. So here they are!

We've had amazing weather lately and although it's quite hot, we definitely prefer to walk around and explore rather than staying inside. I actually find it hard to work with the heat purely because I feel I should be outside enjoying it! Also, I have to be honest and say that trying to do some sketches or work with my graphics tablet with sweaty hands is kind of horrible...

One Saturday, we drove along the West coast of Bretagne and stopped at the Site Abbatiale de Saint-Maurice. It's almost in the middle of nowhere and we loved how quiet and peaceful it was. Entry is really not expensive and there's a long walk to do all around the lake if you plan on staying the whole day there. We loved it!

A good part of it was restored but there were still quite a lot of ruins, which is a shame, but it does make the scenery that little bit more picturesque. We had an audio guide with us (it's part of the entry price), which I admit can be a bit annoying at times as you don't want to be going around with it, but it did come in useful to learn more about the place.

We always take our time when going around places like this, which is very relaxing. I feel like there's so much going on in our lives that on days like that, when I don't even think about what time of day it is or about my (very long) to-do list, I can properly let go and be in the moment. It's something I always forget to do and that's why it's sacred for me to never work during weekends as I definitely need that time to breathe.

At the end of the afternoon, we walked along the lake and loved what we were seeing. The photos don't do it justice because you can't quite understand the scale of it, but trust me, I didn't feel like I was in Bretagne anymore! Maybe it's because it was really hot, but I almost felt like I was back in DeiĆ , Mallorca ;)

This weekend we're going to the Medieval festival in Josselin, and the week after we're off for a couple of days for my birthday! Soooo looking forward to it. Hopefully I'll take plenty of photos to share with you!

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